Top 9 Exercises for Building Muscle

No two individuals have the same health and fitness ambitions. Whether it’s shedding some pounds, improving your stamina, increasing flexibility, or gaining muscle, we all have individualized goals. Building muscle is a beneficial and essential step in achieving our desired body and lifestyle objectives. With a dedication to a healthy and active lifestyle, you can reach your fitness goals.

At Testogen, we understand that achieving your dream body is no small feat. That’s why we’re here to help you get there faster than ever with our comprehensive muscle-building program. Our workouts are tailored to your individual needs, and our diet plans are designed to work in conjunction with our powerful appetite suppressant supplement. Whether you’re looking to bulk up and build muscle all over or just tone up, our program will help you reach your goals in no time.

If you’re looking to build muscle, exercise is key. Here are some of the best workouts to help you get there – both with and without equipment. 

Top 6 Gym Muscle Building Exercises

If you want to build muscle and get faster results, here are the top 6 muscle-building workouts to target specific areas of your body. These workouts include dumbbell chest presses, barbell squats, barbell deadlifts, barbell rows, lateral pull-downs, and standing shoulder presses. Each exercise targets specific muscles, helping you build strength and power.

Dips: upper body, arms

Squats are an exercise that helps to strengthen and build the muscles in the lower body. Similarly, dips are an exercise that focuses on the upper body, specifically targeting the muscles in the shoulders, triceps, and chest. To perform dips, a parallel bar is usually used – this is a special dipping station designed specifically for this purpose. Over time, performing dips can lead to a thicker layer of muscle in the upper body.

Deadlift: back, legs, thighs, arms

The deadlift is considered the ultimate strength training exercise. It typically uses a barbell or other weight on a squat rack to work the muscles in the legs, thighs, and buttocks. This exercise is an effective way to train many different muscle groups at once.

Weighted squats – lower body

Squats are an essential exercise for those looking to build muscle and increase their bodybuilding. This exercise focuses on your core and lower body, providing a burn that helps to solidify muscle with each rep. As you become more experienced in your training, you will need to use heavier weights to really bulk up.

Bench press: upper body

The bench press is a great exercise for building muscle. Different variations target different muscle groups in your upper body. Examples include the flat bench dumbbell bench press, flat bench barbell press, incline dumbbell bench press, and incline bench barbell press. Working out with these exercises will help you build muscle quickly and effectively.

Rows: full body

Building muscle isn’t just about developing your arms and legs – it’s also important to include your upper and lower back in your workout routine. Exercises such as rows with dumbbells and barbells and seated cable rows are great for targeting the upper and lower back. These exercises will not only help support the weight of your body and strengthen your core, but they will also help you build the muscle in your upper back area.

Side Bends – core, back

Side bends are an effective way to target your core and build muscle around your midsection. This exercise helps to boost the stability of your core, shape your obliques, and increase the efficacy of your compound exercises. With regular practice, you will be able to see the results after some time.

Top 3 Equipment-Free Muscle Building Exercises

Building muscle doesn’t have to require a trip to the gym. You can easily use your own body weight and no special equipment to get a great workout in the comfort of your own home or hotel room. Here are three exercises you can do to help you build muscle.Try adding these exercises to your routine today and start building muscle without ever having to leave the house.


Squats are an effective exercise for building muscle over time. They can be done by anyone, regardless of fitness level, and can be made more challenging as you progress. To do a squat, stand in a clear space with your feet apart at shoulder width and your hands out in front of you. Bend your knees and push your hips back, lowering your body as far as you can. Then, push yourself back up to the starting position.


By dedicating at least 75% of your time and energy to cardio, you will witness a transformation in your physique. Not only will you see fat melting away, but you will also notice an increase in muscle tone and bulk. When you run or speed walk, make sure to engage your core by pulling your belly in. This will help to improve your strength and build muscle simultaneously.


Pushups are a great exercise for building muscle in the upper body without any extra equipment. This exercise works the triceps, core, chest, and shoulders for major muscle growth. Beginners should start with the modified version using their knees until they have enough strength and size to perform regular pushups. For more experienced exercisers, adding an incline or the scissor kick method to each rep can provide a challenge.

Muscle Building the Right Way

If you want to build muscle, it takes a combination of determination, proper nutrition, and consistent exercise. To achieve this goal, you’ll need to provide your body with the necessary nutrients like carbohydrates and proteins, as well as an appetite suppressant like PhenQ, to help keep your cravings for unhealthy foods in check. Before you start any intense workout, make sure to consult with your doctor to make sure your body is up for the challenge.