20 Minute Booty Lift Workout

Do you want your booty to look bigger or perkier? All you need is 20 minutes a day to make that dream become a reality. Your butt has many muscles, like the gluteus minimus, medius, and maximus, which all work together to create your booty’s shape. Targeting each of these muscles daily can help you achieve the size and tightness you want.

If you want to really give your booty a lift, basic squats just won’t cut it. You need to mix up more exercises that focus on different muscle groups and your booty all at the same time. Here are some ideas to get you on the right track: Try doing leg presses or barbell glute bridges, or do squats with a heavier weight. Lunges, clam shells, and step-ups are also great exercises to include in your booty-lifting workout. Aim for a combination of both higher reps and heavier weights, as well as varying incline levels, so your booty can get the most out of your workout.

This workout routine not only maximizes calorie burning during the exercises, but it also provides an effective calorie burning for the period after the workout. Alternate each of the exercises with 5 jump squats. This routine is ideal for those who want to burn the most calories in the least amount of time.

Get down for a “glute bridge”

Lie on your back, with your knees bent and your feet placed firmly on the floor. While inhaling, extend one leg toward the ceiling. As you exhale, squeeze your glutes and push your hips towards the sky. Reach as high as you can and hold the position. Lower your hips almost to the floor without actually touching the ground, and repeat this movement for one rep. Complete two sets of eight reps on each leg.

Turn around to do rainbows

Start by getting on all fours. Place your knees hip-width apart and your palms on the ground under your shoulders. Straighten out one leg and point your toes, pushing your foot up towards the ceiling. Lower that leg so your toes just tap the floor. Be sure to squeeze your glutes when you bring the leg back up. Cross over the other leg, tapping the floor, then return to the starting position. Repeat this eight times for two sets on each side.

Do fire hydrants

Start by getting on all fours. Place your knees hip width apart and your palms on the ground under your shoulders. Straighten out one leg and point your toes, pushing your foot up towards the ceiling. Lower that leg so your toes just tap the floor. Be sure to squeeze your glutes when you bring the leg back up. Cross over the other leg, tapping the floor, then return to the starting position. Repeat this eight times for two sets on each side.

Challenge yourself with lunge variations

Start by getting on all fours. Place your knees hip width apart and your palms on the ground under your shoulders. Straighten out one leg and point your toes, pushing your foot up towards the ceiling. Lower that leg so your toes just tap the floor. Be sure to squeeze your glutes when you bring the leg back up. Cross over the other leg, tapping the floor, then return to the starting position. Repeat this eight times for two sets on each side.

Change up the squat with sumo variations while lifting your heels

Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width, toes pointing away from your body. Push off with your heel to come up onto your tiptoes. Engage your core and lower into a squat, ensuring your stance is wide (125-150% of shoulder-width) to maximize glute activation. Hold this position, then push off with the same heel to return back to the starting position. Do two sets of eight repetitions.

Do a single-leg deadlift

Stand with your weight on one leg, keeping a slightly bent knee and a flat back. Bend forward at the hip until you reach a deadlift stance, extending your raised leg straight and your arms down below you. Make sure to avoid curving your back as you go down. When you return to the starting position, make sure to squeeze your hamstrings and glutes. Then switch legs and repeat the exercise.

Perform single-leg squats

Grab a chair or stand beside a wall or doorway for some support. With the right hand, grasp the support and lift the right leg straight off the ground. Perform a squat and then return to standing. This is one repetition. To complete the exercise, perform two sets of eight repetitions, on each leg. To make this exercise more challenging, perform single-leg squats without support.


Add a step-up exercise to your workout routine using a stable brick, stool, or chair. When you are in the kneeling position, stand up and place one leg on the equipment. Raise the other knee and then lower your foot back down to the original position. You can also try a side step-up to maximize your workout. Make sure to keep the muscles of the leg you are stepping with engaged during the exercise and refrain from pushing off the floor with the other leg. Perform two sets with eight reps on each side.

Get the Booty You Want Today

Experience the full benefits of a perkier derrière with this simple, 20-minute glute-focused workout routine. The glutes are the largest muscle group in the body, and by strengthening them, you can reduce low back pain, improve knee health, and promote better posture. Get ready to take your booty to the next level!