Top 7 Foods to Increase Testosterone Levels

Testosterone plays an important role in the male and female body. It’s responsible for boosting muscle mass, protecting bone and teeth strength, increasing metabolism, and improving mood, as well as cognitive performance and sex drive. 

However, starting at the age of 30, your natural production starts to slow, causing fatigue, weight gain and loss of strength. 

Avoiding Lower Testosterone Levels 

When it comes to boosting core strength and muscle building, testosterone plays a key role in the process. But due to certain lifestyle factors, everyday stress, or underlying conditions, people’s testosterone levels can dip at times.

It’s important to recognize the symtoms of lowering testosterone, and mitigate them, in order to keep on track with your fitness routine.

A few key factors also lead to a decrease in testosterone, including obesity, lifestyle habits such as smoking and drinking, as well as certain medications or inflammatory diseases.

To counteract this, it’s essential to keep your stress levels under control, maintain a healthy body weight, and stay active. By taking active steps, you can ensure that you maintain your testosterone levels, and keep on top of your fitness goals.

Fortunately, you can reverse the effects of low testosterone levels with the right diet. Here are our top 7 testosterone boosting foods to upgrade your meals and revitalize your gains!

Nutrients for Increasing Testosterone Levels

When it comes to firing up testosterone production, D-Aspartic Acid is a powerful amino acid to look out for. Studies have suggested that D-Aspartic Acid could influence testosterone levels positively with a 60% increase over a three-month period.

Your body can produce Vitamin D naturally when exposed to sunlight, demonstrating why it has been thought of as the ‘sunshine vitamin’. Vitamin D and testosterone are linked; many studies have observed increased levels in the body after additional exposure to sunlight.

As well as uplifting testosterone, this nutrient can improve mood, support your immune system and even aid weight loss.

Another nutrient linked to testosterone production is Zinc. Further studies have revealed that zinc deficiency can contribute to low levels of testosterone, and that replenishing this vitamin can aid with growth and strength.

It’s not limited to testosterone however – zinc can fortify your immune system too, as well as promote healthier skin and senses of taste and smell.

7 Foods That Can Increase Testosterone Levels

Here are our TOP 7 FAVORITE TESTOSTERONE BOOSTING FOODS to give your testosterone a boost. These are easy to integrate into mealtimes, making them stress-free to incorporate into your diet!


Incorporating shellfish into your diet can make a huge difference to your testosterone levels, so it’s worth considering.

Oysters, for instance, are rich in zinc, providing more than your daily value with just 3 medium oysters! Shrimp, mussels and crab are other good choices when it comes to shellfish nutrition.

As well as offering a high Omega-3 content and other health benefits, such as improved mood and reduced inflammation, shellfish are low in calories but high in protein.


Eggs are an ideal snack for those looking to build muscle and boost testosterone levels. In 1 large egg, the yolks contain 5% of your daily value in zinc and are also a great source of vitamin D.

Additionally, eggs also contain lots of protein, choline and amino acids, all of which are key fueling sources for muscle development, growth, and repair. All of this makes eggs one of the most nutritious things you can eat!


Nectarines, cherries and plums have long been favoured by bodybuilders as a way to maintain healthy testosterone levels thanks to their rich d-aspartic acid content. But other fruits such as watermelon, grapes, bananas and pomegranates have also been shown to boost testosterone production. 

In addition, a diet high in fruit can lead to myriad health benefits that reach far beyond testosterone.

These powerhouses of nutrition are packed with antioxidants that support the body in fighting off free radicals and decrease the risks of conditions such as type 2 diabetes and cancer. So fill up on the fruits for a healthier you!

Lean Beef

Adding beef to your weekly meal plan can be a great way to boost your testo-production. Rich in vital nutrients such as vitamin D, zinc, d-aspartic acid, iron and selenium, you’ll be giving your T levels a powerful kickstart.

Vitamin D helps to keep your bones and muscles strong and zinc helps regulate your metabolism.

D-aspartic acid increases testosterone production while iron enables oxygen to be transported to your muscles, enabling intense muscle pumps.

Finally, selenium helps promote muscle repair and formation, protecting your muscles when you’re bulking up.


Ginger is a great way to level up your culinary skills while boosting testosterone levels. Packed with nutrients, it can do more than just turn up the heat in your stir-fry; it has amazing benefits for your body and mind.

Studies show that ginger can be used to improve testosterone levels, relieve post-workout muscle soreness, deal with indigestion, and even lower cholesterol levels. Make sure to include this helpful spice in your diet to reap all its incredible advantages.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate often isn’t seen as a healthy option, but it is certainly worth mentioning when it comes to increasing testosterone levels. 100g of dark chocolate can supply up to 30% of your recommended daily value of zinc.

However, keep in mind that dark chocolate is high in calories, but also chock full of excellent bodybuilding nutrients such as selenium, calcium, and manganese. Thus, this sweet treat is the perfect snack before hitting the gym.


If you want to take your bodybuilding routine to the next level, consider incorporating beans into your diet. Beans such as chickpeas, lentils, black beans, and kidney beans are rich sources of zinc, which is important for testosterone production.

Additionally, beans are a great source of B-vitamins, which can help to improve focus, mood, and reduce stress.

Beans also provide an array of soluble fiber, which aid in reducing hunger cravings, and providing natural energy boosts, which all help you optimize your athletic performance and muscle building.

Fortified Cereals

If you’re vegan and looking for a T-boosting breakfast option, fortified cereals may be a great choice. Fortified cereal is enriched with vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A, B, and D, calcium, iron, and zinc, that are not normally present in cereal.

Zinc and vitamin D are particularly beneficial for boosting testosterone levels, while additional calcium can help support stronger bones, muscles, and nerves.

Furthermore, B vitamins can help energize the body and improve brain function, while allowing for better tone and cardiovascular health – all of which can enhance training gains.

Be sure to read the labels of any cereals you purchase to confirm that they have been fortified and to check for optimized amounts of beneficial ingredients.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any scientific evidence supporting the claim that soy reduces testosterone levels in men?

Scientific evidence published in the journal Reproductive Toxicology in 2021 indicates that there is no credible association between soy consumption and reduced testosterone levels in men. This conclusion is drawn from an analysis of over 40 reputable studies in which soy intake was thoroughly examined. The findings should provide reassurance to individuals who may be concerned that consuming soy-based products, such as soy sauce, miso soup, or tofu, could suppress testosterone production. Therefore, there is no substantial scientific support for the claim that soy reduces testosterone levels in men.

Are there any foods that may lower testosterone levels?

When it comes to the question of foods that may lower testosterone levels, it is essential to consider scientific evidence rather than relying solely on common beliefs or online information. While there are claims that certain foods can reduce testosterone production, it is important to note that many of these claims lack substantiation.

However, it is worth mentioning that the packaging of your food may have more of an impact on testosterone levels than the foods themselves. Research suggests that foods packaged in bisphenol A (BPA) and bisphenol S (BPS) could potentially lower testosterone levels, irrespective of their nutritional content.

Additionally, maintaining a healthy weight plays a role in testosterone health. An obesity-causing diet, which consists of high sugar and highly processed foods, has been associated with lower testosterone levels.

It is often believed that soy consumption can reduce testosterone in men, but existing scientific evidence does not support this claim. A review published in Reproductive Toxicology in 2021, which analyzed over 40 peer-reviewed studies, found no association between soy intake and decreased testosterone levels in men. Therefore, there is no need to be concerned about consuming moderate amounts of soy-based products such as soy sauce, miso soup, or tofu, as they are unlikely to impact testosterone production.

In summary, while there are common beliefs about foods that may lower testosterone levels, it is important to approach these claims with skepticism and rely on scientific evidence. Foods packaged in certain materials and an unhealthy, processed diet may have a more significant impact on testosterone levels than specific food items. However, it is important to note that further research is needed to gain a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between food and testosterone levels.

How do leafy greens, such as kale and spinach, benefit men with low testosterone levels?

Leafy greens, such as kale and spinach, can provide significant benefits to men with low testosterone levels. These greens are rich in magnesium, a mineral that has been found to have a positive impact on testosterone levels in men. Research published in the International Journal of Endocrinology highlights the potential benefits of magnesium for men with low testosterone. By including leafy greens in their dietary plan, men can increase their magnesium intake, which in turn may help to improve their testosterone levels. Therefore, incorporating kale, spinach, and other leafy greens into the diet can be a valuable strategy for men seeking to enhance their testosterone levels naturally.

What is the research on onions and their association with testosterone levels?

Research conducted in 2019, as reported in the Biomolecules journal, suggests that consuming onions may have a positive impact on testosterone levels in the body. In the study, it was found that individuals who incorporated onions into their diet experienced an increase in testosterone levels as well as enhanced production of nitric oxide and higher antioxidant levels specifically in the testes. To include onions in your meals, you can consider sautéing them and pairing them with your preferred meat, adding them to salads, or utilizing them to enhance the flavor of pan sauces.

How does vitamin D in tuna affect testosterone levels?

Vitamin D, also known as calciferol, is abundantly found in tuna and plays a vital role in various aspects of our health. One of its notable effects concerns testosterone levels. Studies indicate that consuming tuna, which is rich in vitamin D, may have a positive impact on testosterone production.

Testosterone, a hormone essential for both men and women, contributes to several functions in the body, including muscle growth, sexual health, and bone density. Adequate levels of testosterone are crucial for maintaining overall well-being.

Research suggests that vitamin D supplementation can potentially lead to increased testosterone levels. Tuna, being a great natural source of vitamin D, offers a dietary means of obtaining this essential nutrient. By consuming tuna regularly, individuals may support their body’s ability to absorb calcium effectively, promote bone health, and enhance immune function, all of which can indirectly contribute to optimizing testosterone levels.

It is important to note that while vitamin D is associated with testosterone production, the exact mechanisms and specific effects on hormone levels are still being explored. Therefore, further research is needed to fully understand and establish the relationship between vitamin D in tuna and its influence on testosterone levels.

What other zinc-rich foods can be consumed to potentially increase testosterone levels?

In accordance with your query on foods that can potentially increase testosterone levels, apart from oysters, there are several other zinc-rich options to consider. These include beef chuck roast, Alaska king crab, lobster, pork, beans, and fortified cereals. By incorporating these foods into your diet, you may increase your consumption of zinc, which has been linked to possible benefits for testosterone levels.

Is there any research on the effects of garlic on testosterone levels?

Currently, there is no available human research that directly investigates the effects of garlic on testosterone levels. However, animal studies published in the Journal of Nutrition offer some insights into this topic. These studies suggest that garlic supplementation may be associated with increased testosterone levels and a decrease in plasma corticosterone concentrations. While these findings are derived from animal experiments and cannot be directly applied to humans, they provide a basis for further investigation into the potential impact of garlic on testosterone levels in human subjects.

What are the potential health benefits of garlic?

Garlic offers a wide range of potential health benefits. It has been associated with reducing total cholesterol and levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), commonly referred to as “bad” cholesterol. Additionally, while there is a lack of human research in this area, animal studies published in the Journal of Nutrition indicate that garlic supplementation may lead to higher testosterone levels. Furthermore, these studies suggest that garlic consumption may also lower plasma corticosterone concentrations. These findings suggest that garlic has the potential to positively impact cardiovascular health by regulating cholesterol levels and potentially influencing hormone levels.

Can whey protein have hormonal health benefits?

Whey protein, commonly associated with its ability to build muscle, is also thought to provide hormonal health benefits according to some research. A 2013 study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition examined the effects of whey protein isolate supplementation on 10 individuals. The findings suggested that men who consumed whey protein in the morning for two weeks experienced a reduced cortisol response after exercise. Cortisol is a stress hormone that, when levels are high, can potentially lower testosterone levels. Although there isn’t a direct link between whey protein and testosterone yet, the study implies that by blunting the cortisol response, whey protein might help mitigate the impact of cortisol release on testosterone production. Moreover, whey protein supplies essential amino acids, which serve as the building blocks for muscle mass.

Can olive oil increase testosterone levels?

Olive oil has been widely promoted as a healthy oil for cooking and seasoning food. While it is known for enhancing the taste of bread and other dishes, recent research suggests that olive oil may have additional benefits, specifically in regard to testosterone levels.

A study conducted in 2013 examined the impact of replacing butter with olive oil in the diet of men over a three-week period. The results of the study revealed a noteworthy increase in testosterone levels among the participants. Specifically, the men experienced a 17.4 percent rise in testosterone levels after making this dietary substitution.

Furthermore, the study also found a significant increase of 42.6 percent in levels of luteinizing hormone. This hormone is closely associated with testosterone production and sperm production. These findings suggest that olive oil consumption may have a positive influence on the regulation and production of testosterone in men.

While this study provides promising insights, it is important to note that further research is required to fully understand the extent of olive oil’s effect on testosterone levels. Additionally, individual factors such as age, health status, and overall diet may influence the outcomes observed. Therefore, before making any conclusions, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide personalized guidance based on specific circumstances and goals.

Can coconut consumption increase testosterone levels?

Research on coconut and its impact on testosterone levels is still limited and inconclusive. While some studies suggest that coconut oil may be associated with higher testosterone levels and increased antioxidants in testicles, there is currently insufficient high-quality research to establish a definite link between coconut consumption and changes in testosterone production in humans. Although cholesterol, which is found in coconut, is crucial for testosterone synthesis, high cholesterol levels are also linked to poor cardiovascular health. Therefore, while coconut may contain saturated fats that could potentially impact testosterone levels, more research is needed to provide a conclusive answer on whether coconut consumption can effectively increase testosterone levels.

What are some medical treatments for low testosterone?

When it comes to addressing concerns about low testosterone levels, there are a variety of medical treatments that can be considered. These treatments aim to help increase testosterone levels and restore hormonal balance in the body. Here are some of the medical treatments commonly used for low testosterone:

1. Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT): This treatment involves the administration of synthetic testosterone either through injections, patches, gels, or pellets. TRT helps to restore normal testosterone levels and alleviate symptoms associated with low testosterone.

2. Oral Testosterone: In some cases, doctors may prescribe oral testosterone tablets to help increase testosterone levels. However, this method is less commonly used due to potential adverse effects on the liver.

3. Topical Testosterone: Gels, creams, and patches applied topically to the skin are another form of testosterone replacement. These products allow for controlled absorption of testosterone through the skin.

4. Testosterone Pellets: Small pellets containing testosterone are placed under the skin, typically in the buttocks, during a minor surgical procedure. These pellets release testosterone slowly over several months, providing a consistent hormonal balance.

5. Gonadotropin Therapy: This approach stimulates the production of testosterone by targeting the pituitary gland, which controls hormone production. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists or human chorionic gonadotropin injections may be used to increase testosterone production.

6. Clomiphene Citrate: This medication helps stimulate the release of hormones that signal the testes to produce more testosterone. It is typically used in cases where infertility is also a concern.

It is important to note that the choice of medical treatment depends on various factors, including the underlying cause of low testosterone, overall health, and individual preferences. Therefore, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate treatment option based on specific circumstances.

How many men in the United States are affected by low testosterone?

Low testosterone, also known as ‘low-T,’ is a condition that impacts a significant number of men in the United States. Specifically, studies suggest that as many as five million men within the country are affected by this hormonal imbalance.

The Main Point

For improved muscle growth, energy and strength – and to get closer to your desired physique – incorporating these seven testosterone boosting foods into your diet will make a significant difference.